Simo Häyhä

Simo Häyhä is a legendary figure in military history and a national hero in Finland. He was born in Rautjärvi in 1905 and grew up with a love of hunting and marksmanship. When the Soviet Union invaded Finland in 1939, Häyhä was tasked with defending his country as a soldier in the Finnish Army.

During the Winter War, Häyhä became known as “The White Death” to the Soviet soldiers because of his ability to blend in with the snow and carry out deadly attacks without being detected. He is credited with killing over 500 Soviet soldiers, making him the deadliest sniper in history.

After the war, Häyhä returned home and lived a quiet life as a moose hunter and farmer. He passed away in 2002 at the age of 96. His story has been immortalized in books, films, and TV shows, and his legacy as a national hero continues to inspire people in Finland and around the world.

Early Life

Simo Häyhä was born in 1905 in Rautjärvi, a municipality in southeastern Finland. He was the son of Juho and Katriina Häyhä. Simo grew up in a farming family and from a young age, he developed a love of hunting and marksmanship. He spent much of his time in the forest honing his skills and learning how to track prey.

By the time he was a teenager, Simo was already an expert marksman. He would often compete in local shooting competitions and would usually emerge as the winner. His family was very supportive of his interest in marksmanship, and they even built him a shooting range on their property to practice.

Simo’s love of hunting and marksmanship would later prove to be the foundation for his military career. His skills would be put to the ultimate test during the Winter War, where he would become known as the deadliest sniper in history.

The Winter War

1939 yılında Sovyetler Birliği Finlandiya’yı işgal etti ve bu olay Kış Savaşı olarak bilindi. Bu savaşta Simo Häyhä Fin ordusunun bir üyesiydi ve ülkesini işgal eden güçlere karşı savunma görevi üstlendi.

Sovyet askerleri tarafından keşfedilemeden öldürme işlemlerini yönetebildiği için Simo Häyhä Beyaz Ölüm olarak tanındı. Karla uyum sağlama yeteneği sayesinde düşman askerlerine özellikle tehlikeliydi.

Winter War sırasında, Häyhä 500’den fazla Sovyet askerinin öldürülmesinden sorumludur ve tarihin en ölümcül keskin nişancısı olarak anılır. Bu savaşta gösterdiği kahramanlık, Finlandiya’da milli bir kahraman olarak hatırlanmasına ve askeri tarih alanında efsanevi bir figür olarak kabul edilmesine yol açtı.

The White Death

The White Death

During the Winter War, Häyhä’s ability to blend in with the snowy environment and carry out deadly attacks without being detected earned him the nickname of The White Death amongst the Soviet soldiers.

His skill with a rifle was unparalleled, and he would camouflage himself in the snow or underbrush, waiting patiently to take his shot. He was so skilled that he could make two or three kills per day, taking out both enemy soldiers and officers.

The young Finnish sniper was able to survive near-death experiences, including being shot in the jaw. Despite his injuries, he continued fighting and managed to take out his opponents until his position was attacked by a large group of Soviet troops. With no ammunition left, he managed to escape from the enemy by camouflaging himself into the snow.

The White Death’s tactics were so effective that the Soviet armies feared him, and they even sent out whole units to locate and kill him. They were unsuccessful, and the Finnish sniper continued to lay waste to their ranks, making him a living legend and a hero of his country.

The White Death

Simo Häyhä gained his nickname of The White Death during the Winter War due to his skill in camouflaging himself in the snow. He would wear a white winter suit and a white mask to blend seamlessly into the snowy terrain. Häyhä would then wait patiently, sometimes for hours at a time, for an opportunity to take out his enemy. This patience and precision made him a deadly force on the battlefield. Häyhä was able to take out Soviet soldiers with such efficiency that they were never able to locate his hiding place. His incredible skills in sniping and winter warfare made him an unparalleled soldier and a legend in Finnish history.

to the Soviet soldiers because of his ability to blend in with the snow and carry out deadly attacks without being detected.

Simo Häyhä’s ability to blend in with the snow and carry out deadly attacks without being detected made him a formidable opponent to the Soviet soldiers during the Winter War. He would dig snow trenches and wear white camouflage clothing to make himself invisible in the snowy terrain. Häyhä was also a patient sniper, able to wait for hours in the cold and still weather conditions for the perfect shot. His exceptional marksmanship and stealth tactics earned him the nickname The White Death among the Soviet soldiers. Häyhä’s reputation struck fear into the hearts of his enemies and helped to inspire his fellow Finnish soldiers to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Deadliest Sniper in History

Häyhä’s marksmanship and stealth during the Winter War were unparalleled. He was able to kill hundreds of Soviet soldiers without being seen or detected. In some cases, he would even camouflage himself in the snow and wait patiently for hours until a target appeared.

Despite the harsh winter conditions and the danger posed by the enemy, Häyhä was able to maintain his focus and accuracy. His ability to shoot accurately at long ranges made him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

  • He used a Mosin-Nagant rifle equipped with a telescopic sight, which allowed him to shoot with precision from up to 500 meters away.
  • Häyhä also used a method called “milk bottle sniping,” which involved placing a milk bottle on top of a snowbank and waiting for a Soviet soldier to investigate before shooting him.

Overall, Häyhä’s incredible skill and fearlessness in combat allowed him to become the deadliest sniper in history. His legacy lives on through his amazing achievements and the impact he had on military strategy.

Later Life

After the war, Simo Häyhä returned to his homeland and settled down to a peaceful life as a farmer and a moose hunter. He did not seek any fame or glory, instead he preferred to live a quiet and simple life. Despite his fame as the deadliest sniper, Häyhä remained humble and rarely spoke about his accomplishments. He received many accolades and awards for his heroic actions during the Winter War, but he never let them get to his head. Häyhä spent his remaining years in privacy until he passed away in 2002 at the age of 96.


Simo Häyhä’s legacy lives on long after his death. He is considered a national hero in Finland and his story has been celebrated in books, films, and TV shows. He is known as a legendary figure in military history because of his remarkable achievements as a sniper during the Winter War. His remarkable skills on the battlefield have inspired countless soldiers and marksmen across the globe. Even today, Finnish soldiers are trained in the tactics and techniques used by Simo Häyhä during the Winter War. Furthermore, his life story serves as a reminder of the resilience and bravery that characterized the Finnish soldiers during the Winter War.

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